Sponsors are an important part of our NAC SETAC community. Would you like to be a sponsor? Read the descriptions below and fill out the form HERE! You may also contact a current Board member for more information. NAC SETAC is a 501(c)3. Thank you for your support!
$500 Meeting Sponsor
Sponsors at this level support the overall meeting. Meeting Sponsors will have their logo included in the meeting agenda, included on a poster listing sponsors, and as an active link to your company’s website (on the NAC SETAC website). Meeting Sponsors may show a slide and briefly discuss your company’s capabilities at the beginning of a platform session or the poster session. A table will be made available for the display of company brochures, etc. Meeting Sponsors receive one free meeting registration.
$250 Break Sponsor
Break Sponsors support the costs associated with breakfast and mid-morning and afternoon snacks in addition to catered lunches. Break Sponsors will receive the benefits outlined above along with one 50% discounted meeting registration.
$150 Student Travel Sponsor
Student Sponsors support travel and Student Awards (for platform and poster presentations) We generally offer about 10 student travel awards at each annual meeting. Student Sponsors receive the benefits listed above with meeting registration at full price.
Sponsorship money is used to offset costs associated with coffee breaks, audio/visual equipment rental, room rentals, printing of meeting-related materials, keynote or special topic panel speakers and student travel awards and subsidies. Sponsorships are critical to keeping NAC SETAC’s registration costs affordable, especially for our students who receive significant registration discounts as well as other meeting benefits (e.g., student packages for eligible students). Sponsorship is a terrific way to reach your target audience including those from academia, business and government!