Jobs and Career Information

Jobs and Careers Information Resources

Current Job Postings

Most recent Job Postings available on NACSETAC LinkedIn page.

Branch of National Consultation biologist (toxicologist) position open on USA Jobs – closes Feb 1
This position is a Biologist, GS- 0401-12/13 working in Falls Church, Virginia for the R9-Division of Environmental Review: As part of the consultation team, this position serves as a senior biologist responsible for providing environmental toxicology support for national-scale section 7 Endangered Species Act (ESA) consultations. We are seeking an additional team member to bring their enthusiasm and expertise to help with the various complex and challenging issues we explore together. Applications will be accepted through 02/01/2021, and it is open to both Federal Employees and the public.

Toxicologist, Air Force Civilian Service, San Antonio, Texas Metropolitan Area
AFCEC/CZ, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, Environmental Directorate, at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, TX, is recruiting for a permanent Toxicologist. To apply for this position, please visit:

Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry, Augusta, Maine
Environmental Specialist III: The position’s primary purpose is to provide technical assistance to the regulated community and the public to promote best practices and ensure compliance with pesticide policies, laws, and regulations. Opening Date: January 08, 2021. Closing Date: February 5, 2021. Candidates who wish to apply for this position, click here:
All other NRSC Department job postings can be viewed here (

For those interested in career information or seeking jobs, here are some hopefully helpful links:

AAAS Careers site (full of great links, articles and information!)

New Scientist Career site

And for those who are seeking something nontraditional:

AAAS Nontraditional Career Webinar

Putting your PhD to work

Part-time science in Perspective

Women in Science; and here is an interesting interview, The Heart of Research Science is Sick, by Peter Lawrence.

Ronin Institute (for Independent Scholars, has some interesting articles about research outside of traditional settings.)

Sciencemoms (this site was based on a book by one of our members and has not been updated in a few years but has posts and links about combining career and family.)


From Union of Concerned Sciences: Early Career Scientist Workshops

Finding the Unconventional Career

So You Want to Work in Science Policy?

So, What Do You Do, Exactly? How to talk about the value of your research


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