The Chapter is soliciting platform and poster papers dealing with all aspects of environmental toxicology, environmental chemistry, & ecological and human health.
Special sessions will be organized on any topic area including the following:
- Chemicals in the Environment
- Risk Assessment
- Local Issues
- Contaminated Sediments
- Pharmaceuticals
- Human Health
- General Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry
NOTE: You do not have to be a member of SETAC or NAC to present a paper or poster.
Platform presentations will be 20 minutes in duration, including five minutes for questions and discussion. Posters will be presented on Thursday afternoon/evening at the Social Mixer. Submission of titles for proposed presentations early will ensure consideration. Selection of abstracts for presentation will be made by the Program Committee. Authors will be notified as abstracts are accepted. Final versions of abstracts will be posted in the website and meeting program handouts.
Instructions for Abstract Preparation and Submittal
- On-line abstract submittal page available (Abstracts).
- Please submit abstract files in electronic format (Microsoft Word or PDF) through our online submissions page.
- Limit abstracts to 250 words or less (including authors and affiliations).
- The first line of the abstract should contain the title in BOLD CAPITAL letters, followed by the author(s) and address(es). Underscore the presenter’s name and include presenter email contact information. Skip one line and begin the text (see example).
- At the bottom of the page, type the name, address, telephone, fax, and e-mail address of the presenting author. Indicate preference for platform or poster, and willingness to convert from one format to another. Also indicate if you wish to compete for the student paper, poster, and travel awards.
There are special awards offered to student presentations and awards available to offset the expense of attending this meeting. See Student Pages for more information. Be sure to apply by the deadlines and indicate the awards you qualify for on your meeting registration forms.
Qualifying Criteria for Student Poster & Platform Awards
- The individual must have been the principal investigator on the work.
- The individual must have been an active student within the last year.
- The individual must present his or her own work.
- For a poster, the individual must attend the entire poster session and be available for questions.
See Student Information pages for details on Special Meeting Registration Package!